Carnival of Homeschool Parents

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

That Post with the Random Questions


For no reason other than to entertain myself, I have a long numbered list of questions next to me. It has over 200 questions, all numbered. I'm going to question myself for this post by randomly choosing numbers and, therefore, questions. 🤣
WHAT? It's fun!

 I'll select five numbers first, then go and look at the questions I'm asking myself:

17. How do you maintain your physical health?

Actually, I don't go great with this.
I mean, I take my meds as prescribed. I see my doctors regularly.
But I don't exercise and I don't eat particularly well. My husband and I were doing the keto diet for almost two years when this dang quarantine started. Since the quarantine, I fell off of that particular wagon completely. It bums me out, but it's incredibly difficult to get back to it.
Also, my sleep patterns suck, really suck. I get enough sleep, but most of it is during the day.

55. What do you wish others knew about you?

Really? I have this blog. What don't you know?! 🤣
OK, I'll add another question for this flip answer.  LOL

42. How does it feel to be the age you currently are?

I think I've covered this a couple of times here on my blog, but I really love it. I love being my age. Never in my life have I felt so free, so confident, so peaceful, so sure of myself, so authentic. Never have I felt so in the right place. I thank being 57 for these things.
I don't love being this close to 60, but I'm grabbing life for all it's worth. Even during this quarantine, somehow, and I have never spoken this one aloud, I feel awesome. I love my life and I'm absolutely OK with being "stuck" here in this house with my loved ones.
I don't love this country's politics right now, nor do I love the global pandemic. But my life is amazing.
I love being my age.

113. I feel happiest in my skin when...

I'm with my people.
I love my family and our time together makes me feel incredible.
My husband and I created this family as it is. We've both healed from our childhoods and we've created the type of family that we are incredibly proud of. A set of children who don't have to recover from anything.
I'm also very happy in my skin when I'm working.
For several decades I couldn't have imagined being here, now, doing this. It almost feels like I was born to be here, now.

75. What was your first job and what did you learn from it?

Other than babysitting and such, my first job was at a small department store in my small hometown, selling shoes.
I worked there for two years during high school and the year after I graduated. It was a small shoe department that catered to the older crowd of mostly males. We sold Hush Puppy shoes.  lol

What did I learn? First, I learned that my feet are difficult to shod. I have weirdly wide Fred Flinstone feet. Do you know Fred Flintstone?

I also learned that I was poor. I really didn't realize that; how could I know? I didn't have clothes to wear to my job. I didn't have decent shoes to sell shoes. I couldn't afford medical care when I was too sick to go to work. I didn't have  ride to work. It took me until I was at this job to realize that we didn't have anything.

71. What is your first memory?

I remember being 3-4 years old. I was in the downstairs basement (I think) of the house we lived in when I was teeny. It was a white-tiled bathroom with some dark green tiles mixed in. I had opened the bottom drawer of the bathroom vanity sink and I was climbing up onto the sink by stepping in the drawer.
That's it.
That's my first memory.

That's it. That was five/six random questions from the random question list. Here are  few questions for YOU, if you choose to comment:

  • What memory do you cherish most?
  • What is your favorite color and why?
  • The words I live by are...
  • What is one small act of kindness was shown to you that you will never forget?
  • Does it really matter to you what others think about you?

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