Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to Teach Ethics to Our Children

My last post, all about ethics and relativism, was all about leading up to this post about how to teach our children to be ethical human beings. Interestingly, it's a pretty easy process. Which is great because the statistics are climbing, the number of atheists in this country has hit somewhere in the twenty percent range. That's ALOT of kids not getting their ethics from a religion...yay!

How do we do it?
By living it.

Our children watch us. They learn from making mistakes (and from not making mistakes). They learn when we make mistakes. They learn from the world around them. They learn from exploring issues. They learn from interacting with the people around them. They learn by how people treat them. They learn.

It's not done in weekly lessons; it's done living day by day by day. In the moment and over time. Trust me, they learn.

In fact, and I'm being completely honest here, I'm not at all sure that raising a child in the church is the most ethical things to do...
Do your research; you'll see what I mean.

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  1. The ethics and morals debate is never ending when it comes to those who are religious. And it is one of THE most frustrating things. I was even told by a sibling of mine that I can't possibly NOT believe in God because I AM moral. Uh...that's weird. But really, I don't do things or not do things because I'm looking to get into heaven or I'm afraid of hell. I do things because it is the right thing to do. And I teach my children the same. But, according to my ex-husband, I am not teaching our children the CORRECT morals, HIS morals, HIS beliefs, the out-dated beliefs of a book written by a bunch of goat herders. Neither one of the girls believe. Neither one has any interest whatsoever in going to church with their father. So, it is going to get interesting when he comes back. My nine year old wants me to tell him she doesn't want to go to church anymore. He won't believe me if I do that but she is afraid if SHE tells him, he will disown her. And she has SAID this to me, I'm not summarizing what she has said or put words into her mouth, she is afraid that he will disown her.

    1. Man, Janeen, the worst part, I know you're right. He's going to flip and he's going to be angry with YOU.

      Thank you, again, to the brainwashing in which he lives...
      I'm so sorry!

      I'm SO angry for all of that for you!!!!!


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