Monday, January 13, 2025
Monday, December 23, 2024
Safe, Inoffensive, Uncontroversial
Most of what I, and most of us, write is safe, inoffensive, and uncontroversial.
Except for a few notable people in our nation.
And, though most of us are playing by the rules and living in our social communities within the posted and unposted rules, those exceptions seem to upset the apple cart AND to maintain a controlling hand. So why would most of us remain writing in safe...inoffensive...and uncontroversial ways?
Why don't we, the ethical majority, change our ways?
Alternatively, why do we allow crass, rude, and uninformed people to hold so much power in our country.
Serious, though simplified, questions.
Your thoughts?
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Did Elon Musk Buy Time Magazine????
I don’t read Time and never will now. What an asinine issue. This liar, cheater, grifter, narcissist, misogynist, racist, infantile idiot is the man of the year? I’m losing my sanity…
I briefly saw a news bit of him accepting the award. He was utterly smarmy and disgusting the entire time.
For better or worse, Person of the Year 2023.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Trump's Cabinet Picks Gaining Support on The Hill
I don't have to tell you how inappropriate Trump's cabinet picks are.
Felons, alcoholics, sexual abuse criminals, simply ill-prepared for federal service.
And I'm noticing that the outrage is slowing down and the politicians on The Hill are losing their fight. Be it because of the continual boot licking or the ongoing pressure phone calls from Trump to the representatives and senators, I'm noticing a sliding down of shock and outrage. People are simply giving in to the inevitable.
These men and women nominees are walking around the Hill from office to office plying their reputations and asking for the support of the House and Senate's just a circus. Senator Earnst of Iowa is a particular disappointment.
Hegseth is no longer feeling the pinch. Instead he's feeling an increase of hope and "fineness" from the Republicans on the Hill. We're not even hearing how reprehensible RKF Jr is for Health and Human Services lead. How about the WWF lady who is in for Department of Education. What a despicable nomination. Doug Burgum, governer of North Dakota nominated for Interior Secretary, has ties to fossil fuel companies. The list goes on and I don't have the energy to do all of the reading at the moment. But certainly there is a comprehensive list of Trump's nominees and their egregious lack of experience or appropriateness for the roles for which they are nominated.
If you know of a page like this, please share it!
The NYT offers this page.
The list is endless and I'm feeling no hope whatsoever that this cabinet will bring anything to The Hill except for their "yes Man" attitudes.
What in the world do you think?
Monday, December 9, 2024
You Can Count on Me; Can I Count on You?
They are counting on us to stop talking about the truth.
They are counting on us to be too tired, too hurt, too busy, too hopeless, too alone, too overwhelmed, etc.
They are counting on us to give up.
We won't stop. No matter how long it takes.
I will Keep Going
to the best of my ability!
What do you think??
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Trump's Abhorrent Environmental Plans
Do you know what we can expect from the Trump administration regarding environmental policy?
Well, he's gone on record time and time again saying that Climate change is a hoax. He makes fun of efforts to mitigate the dire environmental situation...making fun of things, his MO for handling things.
He wants to get rid of all of the Biden-era environmental protections, including the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which boosts clean energy initiatives in our country. In case you don't know about the IRA, it gives generous tax incentive for renewable energy and cleaner energy sources which would incentivize industry to produce cleaner and more efficiently, hoping to drive down greenhouse gas emissions, and to help remain cost-effective with regards to renewables. I found numbers and funding specifics at this link; go check it out. And this page is about Project 2025's standing on climate change.
If you want to do your homework on Donald Trump's plans for the environment, you might start here at PBS. This piece from early November laments his plans to decimate emissions regulations. He plans on abolishing energy efficiency standards. Keep in mind, environmental care is a long-term issue that requires long-term solutions. NOT abusive fracking, not tax cuts for massive corporations that dirty up our air and water, Not threaten global climate change advocacy policies, and not removing fledgling plans for fossil fuel improvements. Not to mention "Drill, Baby, Drill." 😠
Trump also plans, once again withdraw from the Paris Agreement, as well as withdrawing the United States from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, a move that would remove the United States from participation in global climate negotiations and make it more difficult for a future administration to rejoin the Paris Agreement. I find this terrifying and abhorrent.
And remember Lee Zeldin? Trump's boot-licking loyalist who an enemy of the environment who is nominated for the EPA! Contact your representatives TODAY!
I can't possibly write it all here! Use this post to do your homework!
Do you have children who are traumatized by the threat to our environment and the late date on our safe and healthy environment clock. I do. My own son is LIVID and upset that his life, the the life of his small nieces and nephew, will be severely negatively impacted by Trump's blatant disregard for the air we breathe and the water we drink. "More Coastline", indeed.
We are living in one of the most crucial moments for the environment in our lifetimes. It's insane that our own president elect is an enemy of the environment. He approaches problems like they are a business issue, a money issue, rather than a LIVING issue.
The ocean cannot keep pace with the changes caused by the climate crisis.
Read HERE for Climate Information 101. This is a link to The Climate Reality Project.
Check them out and see what activism you are willing to do to help.
Will you join me?

Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Do You Like Knowing Things???
We're never going to know what is going on.
The right wing propaganda machine and conspiracy theories will continue on and we'll constantly be wondering what is true and what to "believe", as opposed to what to know.
Can we expect more "love fests" like January 6th?
What do you think?
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
The Loathesome Nomination of Kash Patel
You've been hearing about Kash Patel all day, as have I. His loathesome agenda as a Trump bootlicker. Patel's agenda as Director of the FBI, were he to be installed, is simple. He wants to force retribution on Trump's enemies. Politicians, Media people, Others who are critical of Donald Trump. No wonder Trump is loving on Patel today. He meets the critieria of his nominees as being a sycophantic, Conservative Trump lackey. He only misses one criteria of being an already-indicted family member like Charles Kuchner.
I know you've heard about
Patel's books. He wrote four books. Three are supposed children's books about RUSSIAGATE
with Donald Trump as KING and the fourth book, for adults, is where he published his list
of people who he plans to target, somehow, with unknown crimes for being
anti-Trump or for being enemies of Trump.
Absolute Servitude.
As the absolute-least qualified person to run the FBI, many people are referring to the Kash Patel nomination as a kakistocracy, a government run by the least qualified people, according to a Salon article
that I read today. I've been hearing that word often used these it a new word or are we being He is a
man who believes in the Deep State and other conspiracy story mythologies...including the belief that that 2020 election was rigged. Still. The overall rule of law is at risk with this nominee.
Not only is Patel unqualified, but a greater issue is this, according to the above-mentioned Salon article. The framers of our Constitution and nation envisioned the FBI law inforcement as independent of politics and of the executive branch of our government, in particular. This nomination would cut that division down to nothing by installing this brown-nosing fawner.
people who know Patel well and who have worked with him in the past say
that his appointment would be "extremely dangerous" and will lead to a
"massive amount of damage"...again, a "yes man" who will try to
dismantle an important agency in law enforcement, the fricking FBI. This
doesn't even mention removing Christopher Wray, current leader of the
FBI, a man who has three or four more years to serve...
Patel and other Trump loyalists in these top-ranking positions will mean danger and utter chaos for our nation.
Your Thoughts?
Monday, December 2, 2024
Pete Hegseth is Absolutely UNQUALIFIED for Secretary of Defense!!!!!
I was watching the Rachel Maddow show tonight; the show was primarily about Pete Hegseth. You must know about him!!!!!
You must watch the show and you must inform yourself about the many reasons why Pete Hegseth is 100% unqualified for the major role of Secretary of Defense of our nation. There is so much to know and Rachel lays it out for you chronologically. Sexual escapades, financial mismanagement, and drunken routs while serving in professional capacity. Many, many stories to corroborate these allegations.
Please watch and then get ahold of your federal representatives and tell them that this man and his past are all reasons why he should not be seriously considered for such an important role of leading the Pentagon.
I got ahold of my rep tonight! Will you?
What do you think?
Lee Zeldin will SLASH Environmental Protections!!!!!
UGH!!!!!!!! Donald Trump has picked an anti-environment loyalist to head the EPA back in October or November...I'm now just getting around to being incensed about this nomination in particular.
Lee Zeldin has no environmental history or experience, no qualifications whatsoever, ZERO experience with the environment in any way, shape, or form, and he is simply a "yes man" for Donald Trump, the GD President-elect. Zeldin will YES everything that Donald Trump wants to do, including cutting back on Biden's climate- and air-pollution rulings of the past few years.
Trump and Musk have made it clear that they plan on radically rescinding environmental protections all over the nation, including the extended environmental protections in place in California. Why? Why would someone care so little about the environment? He is a climate change denier of the first order.
It's about money. SURPRISE.
It's about industries that don't want to take expensive efforts to protect our air and water. Trump is siding with the money over the air we breathe and the water we drink.
Zeldin, himself, vowed in 2020 to rescind a fracking ban that the Dems put into place.
According to an article on the NPR website, Trump is quoted to have said that "(Zeldin) will ensure fair and swift deregulatory decisions that will enact in a way to unleash the power of American business." But we can't breathe the power of American business. 😠
According to, Trump actually campaigned and won on his plans to decimate the climate rulings of the Biden-era. For this, I will not forgive his supporters. My own children worry about their futures, about the actual livability of our planet. Their entire generation fears this administration and what they will do to the planet.
"Drill, Baby, Drill."
The press is NOT the FBI. We need the Congressional FBI background checks and vetting for Lee Zeldin. His complete inappropriateness for the role of EPA leader is this side of criminal!
In response to this Zeldin appointment, I have been looking at EarthJustice, a nonprofit public interest organization based in the United States
dedicated to litigating environmental issues.
JOIN ME in supporting them! They, EarthJustice, have won 85% of the cases that they've brought against the past Trump administration.
I made my donation to EarthJustice. Will you?
Furthermore I contacted my government official and asked him to encourage all vetting activities for all of the nominees and to vote NO for Lee Zeldin and Kash Patel.
What are your thoughts as you read this?
HOMEWORK: Kash Patel and Pete Hegseth