Thursday, May 7, 2020

Here's How These 80's Actresses Look Now

It's one of those social media tropes that you will find everywhere. Special click bait. Click here and see what that gorgeous woman from the 80's looks like now. What Time does to a person. It's unkind.

Have you seen even ONE of these pieces telling us just what Time will do to a male hottie? I haven't and I have specifically looked. This goes beyond a feminism thing. It's about humans!

I find these clip bait pieces infuriating. It's the shock value that they are going for and that's the low-hanging fruit of click bait. Who doesn't look older after thirty years? Thirty years are hard on a person's appearance. 

Eyes sag, puff, wrinkle. Skin fades, ages, wrinkles, discolor. Hair loses shine, greys, changes texture, grows in places other than one's head. Bodies gain weight, lose weight, lose their vitality, get out of shape. Clothes stop fitting so sweet, stop looking svelte, droop, get super tight. Voices thicken, crack, weaken, get gravely. These things are normal, perfectly normal.

Photographers cheer when they get a bad shot of a former beauty. As though beautiful people gall we average folk. As though we're happy to see the mighty fall. Our country rewards gaffs, falls on stairs, doughy middles, evidence of child birth, crows feet, nerves, lip sag, or grey hair with shame and derision. And the masses enjoy it. Why?

The gratuitous showcase of the ravages of time must be a huge draw for those who click

Every single human being ages. Every single beautiful person ages and loses some sparkle. Is this something to be shocked by? Other cultures worship, literally worship, age. 

I refuse to click on the bait. Do you?

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