Friday, July 13, 2012

To Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra

My family, including my stepson, Tim, on the left and my stepdaughter, Jessica, in the right

My family is truly the most important thing in my life. My heart is complete because of the many loves in my life. My husband, Jerry, has made my world one that makes sense and that is full of joy and goodness.
Jerry clears away the nonsense and makes a life of sense, genuine love, and simplicity that I have yearned for.

My darling and loveliest daughter brings out the best in me. My daughter is my heart of hearts. With each passing year, she grows into an ever lovelier, beautiful, and more capable young woman. I am filled with pride for the young woman she is becoming. She is a thinker and a writer. She is seeking to become the best "self" she can be. I watch her in awe.
My daughter, my life.

My son is like the rainbow of each day. He is sunny and breezy and resonating. The depth of his empathy and good heart directs his bright sail.  His beauty is both inside and out.
He is full of energy and curiosity and reason and love. You can't know him without also loving him!

Our family is a creation that Jerry and I marvel in.
Jerry and I often share the sense of awe and beauty and goodness that we find in our children. With the deepest, most moved heart, I am honored and humbled by my family.

I cherish them with every breath.

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