Thursday, June 20, 2019

You Don't Comment...

It's a funny thing, being a blogger.
As a blogger you have this awareness that you are writing mostly for yourself, but every so often you are reminded, I am reminded, that there is an active readership out there, reading my stuff.

I've been blogging for about nine years now and my awareness of the readership goes in and out. Mostly because you guys are so quiet. I'm pretty sure that people drop in and drop out following clip art and such, and, of course, that's OK. It's a blog for goodnesssake. 

And I'm perfectly capable of sustaining my own motivation for blogging and for regular postings and, just, for creating content that is readable and relatable and maybe a little bit provocative. I do think of my writing as a thing that I do for myself too...IOW.

The thing about a blog, though, is that it is an oddly intimate, so I'm going to share this little secret about myself with you.

  • I like hearing from you.
    I do.

    Your voice matters to me and, in a way, if you are are here, we are one-way confidants, you know? And I prefer two-way.

    I guess that's my problem though.  ☺️

Anyway, I like comments. I like communication.
I like quality over quantity.

But if I'm not earning it, I'm not, I get that.
🤔  Hmmmmmm, your input is welcome.
This post isn't about guilt tripping anybody and it's only a little bit about begging. It's actually more looking for feedback. 

Maybe I'm not offering enough to read? Maybe my content isn't gutsy, provocative, inspirational, authentic, unique, or readable enough. In that case, I'd appreciate hearing that. I don't know what I'd change, but I would love your feedback.

Thanks for your time.
You don't comment...and that's OK.  😊

Please Share This Post With Your Frends.


  1. That's my biggest struggle with blogging. I do tend to not blog if I don't get much feedback. But then really, that's kind of the story of my life; I'm more or less invisible.


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