Monday, April 6, 2020

Corona: Schooling at Home

I've noticed a large surge in readers of this blog lately, presumably due to the large number of families now schooling their kids at home. I'm assuming people are looking for ideas, support, or something! So, new parent schooling at home, this blog post is for you.

First, maybe you're thinking about scheduling and time management. 

School is divided into six/seven hours a day with a different subject each hour or unit. And that's fine, but let's think about how our interests work. If we're into something fun or engaging it can be hard to switch gears on the hour. I recommend a slightly different way to schedule your week.

Some subjects are best touching on and practicing daily, namely language and math. Everything else, every other day or so.
For an example, consider this idea, each line is an hour or unit of time that works for you. Keep in mind, it's always more about what is working than what is planned. Think about four structured hours a day...max.

Here's how I handled it, in general:

I recommend, any age, reading every single day. If your child is older, grab a good book or two and read daily. If younger, have reading time every day.

So, scheduling is an ongoing challenge.

My biggest reminder: Relax.
It will all be totally fine. 

No need to worry about keeping up. You'll do just fine.

I'll post more tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will post some great online resources. 
If you have specific questions, please ask!

If you like this, please check out these links:
Homeschool Curriculum: High School
Homeschool: Tricks for Improving Your Day
A Note to Myself at the Beginning of Homeschooling

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