Friday, November 20, 2015

TAG, You're IT!

atheist parent atheist parent atheist parent atheist parent atheist parent 
Want to play a game?
This blog has become a really nice place to meet and talk to some of the best people out there. I love so many of you and have been happy to become friends. If you are new here, well, WELCOME and be welcome.

You know those survey things on Facebook where a person answers 45 questions and then nominates 18 of her closest mates to do the same and so on and so on and so on?
Well, this isn't that.  LOL

Just, in the comments below, answer these questions. OR, if you are like me, copy and paste but then change the question to something better than What is your favorite color.  LOL You are under no obligation to pass along the game. Skip the questions that don't apply to you or add your own. Just caz.

Here goes:

  1. What are your top favorite movies/films and why?
    1. My Fair Lady, The King and I, and a zillion other oldies but goodies because I generally watched them with Mom as a kid, staying up too late and watching the Late Show and feeling close with Mom.
    2. Pride and Prejudice and North and South because they are excellent and I love historical fiction.
    3. Water, an Indian movie. It's just gorgeous.
    4. Kuch Naa Kaho, Kabie Kushie Kabhi Gham, Swades and a few other Indian/Bollywood favorites because they are gorgeously filmed and fun.
  2. What are you reading right now and what are your thoughts about it?
    I'm reading Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native. I'm loving it. The first Thomas Hardy book I ever read was Jude the Obscure and I swore that I would never ever ever read a book by Thomas Hardy again. But I'm glad I've given him another chance. Let me know if I've placed my trust where I oughtn't.
  3. Song in your head right now?
    Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
  4. Best and worst homeschool splurge?
    Best: membership to Edhelper back in the day. I loved it because it gave me great ideas. Today I would pay for Khan Academy if I was using it. Computer upgrades, a great printer, Publisher, photo editing software, all travel!
    Worst: An entire store of homeschooling supplies.
  5. Best and worst book you've read recently?
    Best: Benjamin Franklin's Bastard by Sally Cabot, some source documents by Origen, Ovid, Socrates, and Cicero. FUN! The Traitor's Wife by Allison Pataki, Stuff you Missed in History Class from, Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen, and Centennial by James Michener was AmaZInG!
    Worst: I haven't read much crap lately. The Fifth Gospel by Ian Caldwell wasn't great.
  6. Your opinion on the presidential debates thus far?
    Holy Crap, are the Republicans serious?
    I don't have a favorite Democrat yet, still waiting to see.
  7. Three things on your bucket list?
    1. I want to go to Italy!
    2. I want to return to Brisbane!
    3. I want to go to Slovenia!
  8. Three things (or more) you are thankful for this year?
    My kids, my husband, and how lovely my life is.
  9. What is on your holiday want list?
    I want NO GIFTS, PLEASE.
    But I would love another fun family holiday.
  10. Who is your hero and why?
    I have several. First is Jean Hannes for just being the kind of person that I want to be and for doing that with a vengeance.
    Probably Galileo, Carl Sagan, and Louis Leaky for having excellent minds and hearts.

Enjoy it or don't, your choice. TAG, you're it!

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