Saturday, August 13, 2011

You are Amazing (and Beautiful and Intelligent!)

While reading two other blogs, I came across this exercise in feeling GOOD about myself and decided to give it a go as another in an ongoing series of blog posts containing TMI.

She, at asks the reader:

Really, have you looked at yourself lately? 
Have you taken a moment to consider your many amazing qualities?

The blog goes on and asks us to fill in the following so we will:

...remember that you, the unique and remarkable you, are an amazing person...

1. Make a list of five amazing, beautiful physical qualities about yourself. Don’t couch them in an insult (“I look good for my age” or “I have nice legs for an overweight person“). You have at least five beautiful things about you, I guarantee. If you can’t see them immediately, this is your opportunity to search for them. Find those five amazing things about your appearance and list them.
  • I have great, natural fingernails.
  • I have a nice and frequent smile.       ...erm, this is harder than it looks...
  • I have nice, clean teeth.
  • I have good, clear skin.
  • My hair is healthy.
2. Make a list of five amazing things about your mind. Don’t couch them in an insult (“I’m smart for someone who never finished college“). You have at least five incredible things going on up your head. If you can’t think of them immediately, this is your chance to discover them. Find those five amazing things about your mind and list them.

  • I love to learn and I am enthusiastic about new ideas.
  • I am a "community builder" as I love bringing people together.
  • I am great with words and language.
  • I have good ideas and, generally, think 'outside of the box'
  • I have a good sense of humor.
3. Make a list of five amazing things you have accomplished. Don’t couch them in an insult (“I’ve accomplished a lot for someone with children“). You have accomplished at least five spectacular things in your life. If they don’t spring immediately to mind, take this time to remember them. Find those five amazing accomplishments and list them.
  • I earned a masters degree as well as an advanced license in my field of training.
  • I gave birth to two healthy, brilliant, talented children
  • I educated myself on many things and worked to bring myself from the darkness to the life I have today.
  • I create and carry out events and activities for many people.
  • I am a peaceful, non-sarcastic mother who has AMAZING relationships with my children, YES, even the teenaged daughter, and I'm passing healthy messages on to my wonderful and loving children.

What a great way to realize that I don’t always have to have “auto-negative-comments” on when I talk to myself.  I hope, if you can use it, you do this same list for yourself!
And, if you do, post it someplace you can see it whenever you can use a hand up.

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